Advertorial versione italiana All over the world, in recent years, there has been a sharp decline in animal husbandry. This is due to the influence of various negative factors of an economic, political and ecological nature. Medium and large livestock complexes have a particularly negative impact on the environment. The problem of manure processing […]
Huge amounts of products are produced in packages which are made from various kinds of plastic. This has become a problem not only on a local scale, it is already worldwide and prevents the normal development of civilization. One of the solutions to this problem is the recycling of plastic and production waste with the […]
Industrialization, rapid growth of population and industry, at a constant pace, lead humanity to an environmental disaster due to the very rapid accumulation of waste. Since the last century, the main method of dealing with garbage is to burn it. It gave energy, warmth and the illusion that humanity has finally solved this problem. The […]
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