All over the world, in recent years, there has been a sharp decline in animal husbandry.This is due to the influence of various negative factors of an economic, political and ecological nature.Medium and large livestock complexes have a particularly negative impact on the environment.The problem of manure processing has not been solved to this day.The technologies of composting, fermentation, application of biogas complexes are ineffective and expensive, the processes are lengthy, require the release of large areas and state subsidies.Manure in animal husbandry is a loss, a constant headache.The inability to solve this problem pushes a number of politicians in various countries to deeply reckless and extremely radical measures: the destruction of animal husbandry.Questionable technologies are being developed for the production of proteins and other products needed by mankind by the method of synthesis or by the cultivation and processing of insects.The prospects for animal husbandry and for humans are not the most optimistic.The population of big horned cattle on the planet is about 1.5 billion head.The leading countries are Brazil, India, the United States and China.For one day, about 60 million tons of manure are produced from the total population, which corresponds to 1 million railway carriages.In the year one and a half billion cattle produce about 21 billion and 600 million tons of manure.10 largest countries – leaders in coal production in 2019 produced 7 billion 212 million tons of coal.This is 3 times less than the annual manure produced by the entire cattle population.Every animal farm can be seen as an industrial plant for the production of a permanent renewable resource: manure.With a competent approach to solving the problem of processing livestock waste, mankind is able to obtain 100% clean and neutral biofertilizers, methane, hydrogen, 99.9% pure carbon, heat and electricity from manure.Just change the paradigm of thought, channel the necessary resources into new projects and the result will not be long in coming.For several years, the Aep Engineering company has been engaged in the development of technologies that allow the treatment of livestock and poultry waste in an ecological and profitable way without resorting to state subsidies.We have developed a pyrolysis technology that enables environmentally friendly and energy-efficient manure processing with a moisture content of up to 70%.Brief comparative analysis of biogas and pyrolysis technology in manure processing.
Biogas technology
Fuel to gas ballast ratio obtained
Energy part: – about 60 – 65% methane.Ballast part: – 35 – 40% carbon dioxide CO2;– hydrogen sulphide;– ammonia and other gases.Calorific value – 22.0 MJ/m3.About 40% of the resulting liquid substrate is not fully processed by bacteria and contains a large amount of pathogenic microflora.
AEP ENGINEERING pyrolysis technology
Fuel to gas ballast ratio obtained
Energy part: mixture of methane and other combustible gases – 87% Ballast part: – 10 – 12% Calorific value of pyrolysis gas 43.14 MJ/m3 (which is comparable to the calorific value of natural gas)
Composition of the pyrolysis gas
Liquid pyrolysis condensate is an aqueous solution of useful, organic and inorganic substances.
The aqueous solution obtained in the manure pyrolysis process is a liquid concentrate of complex fertilizer.It is important to note that the resulting liquid concentrate is similar in composition to the liquid fraction of manure.In the pyrolytic manure processing process, 100% of the helminths and all the pathogenic microflora are destroyed, while preserving the most important nutritional elements (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, etc.).The third product of manure pyrolysis is a solid mass containing up to 64.81% carbon.It has a high calorific value, comparable to lignite or firewood.It contains, in its state, a number of very useful trace elements (iron, phosphorus, potassium, titanium, magnesium, manganese, calcium and others), which also allows it to be used as a microfertilizer similar to wood ash, to improve the soil andmineral nutrition of agricultural crops.
Comparative table of technologies
When applying our technology, manure is a constantly renewable and environmentally friendly raw material for the production of fertilizers, green hydrogen, electricity and heat.Animal husbandry should not be destroyed.Humanity must learn to think green and develop breakthrough clean technologies.
If you find in this information solution for your needs and have any questions, please describe your situation to and we will reply as soon as possible.
Vitaly Shablov, environmental safety expert, director of Aep Engineering
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